Meet Iggy™


Iggy™ is a new approach to hand hygiene that combines a novel water spray and aqueous ozone (a natural disinfectant) generated at the point of use.





Iggy™ takes oxygen (O) from water (H2O) and concentrates it. When three parts of oxygen come together, it forms tri-oxygen dissolved in the water, and we call that aqueous ozone (O3). Aqueous ozone is a powerful, natural disinfectant. Iggy™ takes this energized water and sprays it through a set of custom nozzles that puts a spin on each water droplet, creating friction when it hits the skin that increases Iggy’s™ effect to remove germs.



Iggy™ has been rigorously tested in multiple independent 3rd party clinical research labs. All of our tests demonstrate that aqueous ozone is safe and effective.



Iggy™ uses only 1/3rd of a gallon of plain tap water per 7-second cycle compared with up to 2.5 gallons for regular hand washing with soap. There are no chemical agents to purchase, supply, manage, or dispose of, and the only byproduct of the Iggy™ hand hygiene process is water and oxygen. There is no down-stream solid waste such as plastic storage or fill containers. There are no special storage and handling requirements, such as those found with alcohol rubs, which pose waste, fire and recreational ingestion hazards.